Travel Rule compliance solution

CryptoSwift is an end-to-end Travel Rule compliance solution, that is designed to help Virtual Asset Service Providers (VASPs) meet regulatory requirements with ease, ensuring secure and compliant transfers of digital assets.

The Product

Key Benefits of using CryptoSwift

Hands-Off Compliance

Focus on your core business while we handle all aspects of Travel Rule compliance. Simply send us the Travel Rule data, and we take care of the rest.

Streamlined Process & Global Reach

Effortlessly meet global Travel Rule requirements across jurisdictions with automated data exchange, ensuring compliance with minimal effort on your part.

Uncompromised Security

Protect sensitive transaction data with top-tier security protocols, all managed securely by CryptoSwift.

Seamless Integration

Easily integrate our solution into your systems, allowing you to maintain business continuity without disruptions.

CryptoSwift comes with

  • Secure REST API
    Easy to use and integrate, secure communication and data transfer.

  • Comprehensive Integration Documentation
    Step-by-step guides for developers, code samples and tutorials.

  • Client Dashboard
    View transaction history, monitor transaction statuses in real-time and set up custom notifications.

  • Individual Customer Support
    Guided onboarding process & support for smooth integration, setup and troubleshooting.

CryptoSwift client dashboard

  • Real-Time Monitoring
    Track your outgoing and incoming Travel Rule transactions in real-time and receive instant notifications of status updates.

  • Overcome Travel Rule’s “sunrise” challenge
    Send and receive data transfers from and to any counterparties, even if they don’t have Travel Rule solution in place.

  • Historic transaction lookup
    Ability to see any transaction of VASP broadcast to CryptoSwift even before integration date.

Discover the Power of the CryptoSwift API

  • Secure and easy-to-use REST API
    Designed to streamline your Travel Rule compliance effortlessly. Our API ensures that your data is protected with top-tier security protocols, giving you peace of mind while handling sensitive information.

  • Extensive API documentation and developer guides
    All the necessary information to help you get started quickly and efficiently. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or new to API integrations, we will guide you through every step of the process.

  • Open-source Travel Rule protocol
    The CryptoSwift API is based on our open-source protocol called STRIP (Simple Travel Rule Information Protocol). STRIP is fully compatible with major Travel Rule regulations, including FATF Recommendation #16 and the MiCA Transfer of Funds Regulation.

  • Straightforward integration
    CryptoSwift does not interfere with your existing business logic. Our API is built for seamless integration, allowing you to maintain your current workflows without disruption. Experience hassle-free compliance with the CryptoSwift API and keep your focus on what matters most – your business.

    Check out our API documentation, Developer Portal or read more about our open-source Travel Rule protocol (STRIP).